Chim Chum #238


sirbacon said...

This is one of the strips that's a good example of what I call the "Chim Chum Paradox". We know from the Samurai's comment that Chim Chum has some way of communicating with him, but since this always occurs off-panel we don't know what it is. Can the Samurai talk to animals? Do the two share a telepathic link? Can Chim Chum actually talk? Is Chim Chum a master at miming? Frankly, we don't know, and it would ruin the comic for us to find out. At the same time, it often becomes necessary for a punchline for the Samurai to comment on something that Chim-Chum just said. It is this paradox that I feel makes this comic a true classic alongside Calvin & Hobbes and Peanuts.

Adrian Ropp said...

High praise, indeed, sirbacon. (When were you knighted?) I'm certainly inspired by Calvin & Hobbes and Peanuts, as well as Laurel & Hardy, Jack Benny, and a few others that I'll probably mention at another time.

I'm glad you're enjoying the strip and thanks so much for your comment!

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